Sunday 21 January 2007

Me, Moi, Ik, Mich, Εγώ, Io, Mim, Mí

Welcome to my blog where I live my Dreams. Each time I will tell you that extra effort that I put into bring my Dreams into Reality. If you are one of those people who have no taste for beauty or those people who don't care about themselves.. about their future...Then I strongly suggest that you close this window by simply holding on to Alt F4 buttons on your Keyboard..because you will find this EXTREMELY USELESS AND BORING!!

I will try to keep the swearing to the minimum because it's extremely rude and I understand you must be those "intelligent" people who would read this. LOL.

To start off I have to say that I have been through a lot to get here, not the fact that I have to sign up to get this account and do all that nonsense, but the fact that I am here writing this in English. I am not a White but I am a Sri Lankan British Citizen. I came to Britain 5 years ago, and coming here back then was just a fantasy. I had times where I went through the worst to get to this stage, not just me, my second sibling and my parents.

But living in London doesn't make my life perfect.. living in Newham does.....I expected people to be mean and racist.. because I was different...but man was I wrong!! Yes there are people like those once in a while...but the amount of racial attacks is literally just 1%. I hate to break it to you..but nothing is perfect..but we can turn it into perfection.. the reason I am so speeding up to my dreams now is because of the people I knew and 'hanged' around with (mostly at school) not all of them are nice..two of my best friends seems to be jealous of me and literally seem to put me down because one of my friends was the third generation in this country and I was the first, but this doesn't matter to me because people are treated the same no matter WHEN they became a British Citizen. Then there's the other one, the one that can put me off sometimes, and then there's a new one..who I don't know a lot about.

It is totally unfair of me to point out their negatives, I have things I have to fix up too, I can be a show off sometimes, a little mean, and I LOVE when people praise me. On the other hand, I am an organising Freak!, very ambitious, independent, spoilt and can be competitive, and my friends are competitive freaks...BUT I LOVE THEM..because they stick up for each other.

I love my 4 friends because of their jealousy, they really made me fight against my limit and helped me to prove them wrong, and that's why I am here feeling so proud of myself that I actually achieved something better than most people without going to school for 3 years.

At the end of the day there is going to be more people jealous of you than people who actually inspire you, my bit was to use the jealous to gain success. Obviously, this is not the only thing that my four little friends did, we stick together, back each other on a fight..just that sometimes they and me can be a little jealous when another friend is better than them..and that's why I adore them because they could use me to succeed it their own lives, by having the eager to beat me in academic success.

My weakness is that I am a VERY SENSITIVE PERSON, I hate it when people mock illegal immigrants because I know how they feel, I haven't been one of them, but I know how they be those people where their family was destroyed and they have no job in their own country so that they could survive, but then suddenly to find themselves rejected by the Home Office. I also hate fighting, I argue but never get myself into a fight, yeah call me a chicken if you want..but I literally cry when my Mum hugs fact I'm crying right now..writing this line, If I was writing in a paper, the words would just dissolve. But anyway..I am also a laughing freak, laugh at anything! But sometimes it can go a little far..

I love people who are smarter than me because they inspire me...but I can get a little jealous..because I know a girl in my school younger than me that has 10 times the brains I got. But this wouldn't matter to me, because at the end of the day it's about me and how I become successful. There are people that I know that are clever than me, but suddenly put all those intelligence to waste just to 'follow' their friends or just have that naive thought that doing no coursework will get you an A* in their GCSE. And then there are these people who think they are dumb, and don't try at all to read the question, but they are the most loveliest friends a person sometimes can ever have, and then there's other people who are not as gifted and talented as I am, but use me as an inspiration and always look up to me, and work hard, and I LOVE these people, they work so hard and I know for a fact that when they succeed in whatever they want to do, they will enjoy it to the full.

I am 16 now, my birthday was just three days ago, and for the past 16 years, I learnt one thing...that I should work at my own pace and forget what other friends are doing, but never let them feel as though they are being ignored because they will need you just as you will need them..even if you are enemies...because WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND..

Then there is the 'weird' part of life as people say, I DON'T HAVE ONE RELIGION, My Dads a Hindu, my Mums a Catholic/Buddhist.. I believe in all religions...because at the end of the day I think it's going to be the same god, no religion tells people to kill each other, so there should be nothing wrong with having more than one religion, but I don't agree to all the rules, the reason I think this is because the rules of the religion (especially catholic) is being changed because of those mindless politicians in the past (especially the Romans). But I am not a Catholic that HATES Science, I LOVE SCIENCE, and I hate when people say Science can never combine with religion! WHY NOT??!!! For god's sake, Science never disagrees to any of the gods creations, it simply agrees to it, the big bang theory for example, tells us how our universe was was created by gas and dust..but this clearly shows that God has given these raw materials of gas and dust to make us, what other answer would there be?? I think that God has simply given us the mind to UNDERSTAND HOW he created us.

Here comes my interests...I love doing anything from playing hide and seek, to reading books, to gardening, to sleeping. LOL. I look up to many people, especially Leonardo DA Vinci, he lived the most awesome life, from Arts to Science to Maths and then to Religion (Gnostic Christians).

I am fascinated by Astrology, every time I have my palms read they say that one day I will become a Scientist, and they tell me stuff that has already happened to me, my Dad knows these things called Numerology, meaning that my name is counted up to a certain number that would bring success to my life. In the Birthdays and Fortune book my dad gave me, it tells me that Diplomats, Writers, Teachers, and lovers of the fine arts are born on the 19th of January(My B'day), I have a kindly disposition, consideration and a desire to help others. I am poetical, artistic and affectionate, and that I am capable of entering into almost any profession or field and being successful. This text might not be true, but it does put ideas into my brain and gives me a list of things that I can do, and I think that this is what that makes Astrology right, because you will find out that you will almost certainly do or become the same thing the person or the book have told you about, and you will doing this without even knowing you did it.

My Dad once told me that while my Uncle was in Iraq and my Dad somewhere working in the middle east, they heard a sort of psychic man or women taking about how America is going to end, and it was about a non political person bringing all sorts of trouble, such as 9/11 in the world trade centre in America, obviously my Uncle and my Dad had no idea who this non - political person that was going to destroy AMerica, until the day of 9/11. He also told me that the same person said that one day New York will be wiped out by a Nuclear Bomb from one of those Middle East countries or something as close because of one careless, dumb, mindless politician. I wish this never comes true, because I can't bear to see any human arms or heads or dead babies in the TV.

I want to be an Astrophysicist, working in the BNSC, ESA or NASA, this is because I always wondered what was outside the world we live, and I am obsessed about Dark Matter, Black Holes, Anti - Protons, Super Novas and all that stuff that people don't normally know about. I already started walking towards by career, by choosing to do GCSE Astronomy at Greenwich NMM. Once I succeed I want to be like Leonardo DA Vinci, where I will use the Creative and the Mathematical/Scientific side of my brain to create or hypothesize something exhilarating.
After this, the information will be most about Astronomy, I would like to send my Gratitude to Dr. Alan Longstaff - my Astronomy tutor at Greenwich NMM and ROS.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Leonardo Da Vinci

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